I will soon be at the half-way mark on this tapestry. About time, I say! This lower half has been easy weaving, actually, but life just keeps intervening and interrupting my weaving time. I have been doing 'other necessary things,' but have been suffering for it! Weaving helps me deal with all of the 'other necessary things,' so when they keep me from weaving altogether, I get a bit fussy.
The fall yard work is not done. I do have a number of 'other necessary things' calling my name loudly, but yesterday and today I have turned a deaf ear to them. I am at the loom, weaving. I hope to reach that magical and inspiring middle mark by the end of today! About an inch and a half more, and I'll be there...
1 comment:
11/14/10 11:10am
Thank you, thank you....this is what I like about your blog the very most....actual illustrative weaving...and of course weaving dogs is the best.....your progress teaches me and inspires me and I don't then feel isolated.....just studying your work in progress helps so much...from Janet on the EastCoast
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