Thursday, November 4, 2010

More small stuff to go to the gallery...

As I work at the Blue Pig Gallery on Saturday, I've been getting a few more pieces ready to take to hang for the miniatures show/sale. As I am primarily a tapestry weaver, I'll be hanging a few small tapestries among my paintings. I framed the duck and the percolator (each 8"x10") in black frames that makes the piece 'float' within it (hard to see in the image.) I like the effect.

As small pieces are where I experiment a bit, both in tapestry and paint, I also did the two paintings below. They are on wood, with the wood grain showing through a bit. The cat is on an uncradled 4"x4" piece of birch.

The cups below are 6"x6" and are on a cradled piece of maple.


Mary said...

It's good to see that you are feeling better. I was interested to see how you mounted your work, that is something that we have not discussed in much detail in our course. I will have to investigate more, especially if I can do it myself as getting things framed is very expensive.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! I saw the whole process of tissue from your duck tapestry, it's really wonderful!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!

All the best!!
Maria del Valle

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