Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Still questing for Olympic Gold!

I am still weaving as I watch the Olympics, but I am glad some less intense events are on the horizon!  The swimming and gymnastic events of the past few nights have made for some slow weaving.
You may have looked at the previous post and wondered what on earth I am weaving, anyway! This small tapestry is a learning piece, as many of my small pieces are.

Some of you may remember the tapestry detail of waves that I took a photo of in the Louvre and posted here. I have cropped a bit of it out, and am using the blues from the many photos I have taken of the ocean, and I am trying to weave this bit of tide (above.) I am, of course, weaving it sideways, as the tapestry in the Louvre was woven.

Living in the desert as I do, I have a real fascination, perhaps even a fixation, with water. This year's extreme drought has intensified that interest, I guess. I have attempted to weave water in several previous tapestries; in the August tapestry (which will be in ATB9) and also in the small "Milo's Duck" tapestry, which was a practice tapestry specifically to work on weaving water, as well.

So, I am working on water again; this time, trying to capture the movement of the tide. As I watched the divers last night, I couldn't help but wonder about weaving that lovely small splash as the diver's feet disappear into the pool. But for now, this is enough to focus on.

In the rest of my days, I am getting ready for several weeks of company. Next week I will have all four of my grandchildren here! So yesterday's task was to convert my studio from MY art space, to an art studio for the children. They will have access to pretty much everything but the loom and the tapestry yarns. The artist's berets and aprons are at the ready.... I hope my little studio can survive the creative energies of 3 very creative 6-year-olds and a super-artist 8-year-old!

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...