Sunday, February 28, 2010

Milo's Duck!

Well, "Milo's Duck" is off the loom, and just needs to be lined, packed and sent off to the Enchanted Pathways exhibit. It is 8 1/2" x 10", and the sett was 11 epi. I used mostly fine 2 ply wool, though I split a lot of it so I could color blend. It was high-contrast color blending that created most of the texture on the neck and head. Clicking on the image will give you a closer view, if you want to see it even larger than life-size.

I don't see this piece as being terribly 'artistic.' It was more of a technical challenge for me, which is often true of the smaller pieces I do. I wanted to try to weave water. I'm not sure that I feel this attempt was overly successful, in the water areas. But I did learn some things from it, which is, as Martha would say, a Good Thing.


Trekky said...

Beautiful! You have really captured the movement of the water. And the duck is lovely too!

Jan said...

Congrats on getting it done on time. Very complex design, and it turned out very nicely. I finished mine back in November, but started another one to use up the warp, and then last week ran out of a color! Anxiously awaiting the yarn I ordered to finish it! I guess it will be down to the wire once again!

ringadal said...

It looks lovely. I am sure you are glad to have it done. I have run out of the color I need and I am waiting to have it shipped from northern VA. since my local shop stopped carrying the darn stuff. I too experimented, although not as successfully as you. Your experiment looks beautiful, mine I am not so sure about, but I will finish it and get it out of here.

Sue S said...

hooray, Milo is on the way. He is beautiful and I know you worried about getting him finished. Congratulations and good work

OzWeaver said...

So glad you got it done in time! I think it is quite artistic. It has the essence of you about it, which is what I love about your work. Thanks for describing your color techniques. The piece is really successful!

Jennifer said...

Very nice! And what a great job with the water. I've looked at many pictures that include water and wonder how to convert that to tapestry. I'm sure it's not an easy thing to do and I think you did a nice job!

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