Thursday, February 25, 2010

Making progress!

Maybe this duck will be done in time, after all! I have consigned poor Booker to his favorite mud-holes and snowdrifts for more of the past few days, plus luring him into his crate with a peanut butter filled Kong for an afternoon nap each day, and I have been ducking and weaving like Mohammed Ali! Gettin' im done.

Now, though, as often happens, I look at it and think, 'whatever possessed me to want to weave this?' Some things should be woven and some maybe shouldn't. When I start asking myself these questions, I am just firmly telling myself to shut up and keep weaving. Weave all these duck parts in their rows. Get 'im done.

It is often a good thing for me to have to finish up quickly, mount it and send it, and not see it again for a number of months. Then it comes back and I can look at it and like it again. Maybe even remember why I chose to create it. But that is not today's concern. Today's concern is to get 'im done.


Life Looms Large said...

To me it looks I can see why you wanted to create it.

For me, pushing through that doubt and blah and "why am I doing this" is always a good thing....even if in the end I decide that something about the project was totally ill-conceived. Because often I like things surprisingly much after the obstacles are behind me.

(I might have had to give myself a bit of a pep talk in the middle of warp painting today, so these thoughts are fresh in my mind!)


Jennifer said...

It also looks like you are in the home stretch???? Like you are about to get into a less detailed portion now that you are above the body??? It looks wonderful and hopefully gettin' 'im done will fly now!

Anonymous said...

Friday 2/26/10 8:33am amid huge snows in the decided to do this duck,you thought, because you were entering a show.......but in reality the tapestry is tutorial for some of us and helping us see we can weave complicated, intricate, tiny,squishy-patterned areas and be successful....teaching is one of your best assets...thank you from Janet

Julia Kelly said...

wow- you have done a huge amount!! I know what you mean about falling out of love with what you are working on in the home stretch and yes not looking at it for a bit is a good way to gain perspective of the true relationship.

ringadal said...

I am glad that an experienced weaver has these thoughts. I started a piece for Enchanted Pathways, and loved the drawing, then started weaving it. "Hmmmm, it looks really different from the tapestries that I have woven before, it looks really simplistic, doubts, doubts, doubts. Is this really what I want to be weaving? Too late now, I have to get it done to get it to Albuquerque on time." So, onward I push. We'll see how it turns out. A painter friend also encouraged me to keep going. She said several times she has thrown a canvas into the "trash can" to be reused for something else, and a customer will pull it out and say, I really like this piece." So onward I push.


A Bit Blah-Zee

I don’t know if you know the Larkins, of  The Darling Buds of May,  by H.E. Bates (also several TV series,) but Pop Larkin notes that Ma is ...