Monday, December 17, 2012

Beautiful Holiday Inspiration

The Morris and Co. tapestries like this one, designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, do so inspire me. I love everything about them! If you want to share my excitement in this tapestry, go here (the Metropolitan Museum website) and click on 'full screen,'  then continue to click on the image to enlarge it more. You will be able to see the actual weaving details, better even than you could see it in the Museum, where you have to stand back a bit to view the work. I am so happy that the Met has shared some of their work to this extent! What a wonderful opportunity to study it gives us! I intend to spend some time looking up close at more tapestries and paintings, when I get the time. Perhaps a worthy New Year's goal would be to closely study a master work like this once a week, at least. I can hardly wait!


Unknown said...

Wow, Kathy. I love all your posts, and especially this one. It is amazing the detail you can analyze. I wonder how the lines of the strings in the harp where woven. Would it be only a very thin soumack going up and then just a thin line in between? I wonder. Fascinating the hachures...thank you for this to share.Have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for the New Year. More weaves to come. Hugs, Ixchel

K Spoering said...

I can't tell for sure, Ixchel. It was woven sideways, so the lines would have been easy to just weave, but they do have a bit of a 'beaded' look, like soumak would make. Or maybe a supplimental weft held on top as it was woven, and just caught with the weft every few passes or so? That would let the strings sit on top o the weaving, as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this, Kathy! It's beautiful!!! and so interesting to be able to see all the weaving so clearly. Wishing you a really nice holiday time! Vera

Debbie Herd said...

Love William Morris, the Art Gallery of South Australia have a version of the Adoration of the Magi. The sett is very fine. It is difficult to tell exactly how the harp strings are woven. Maybe the 'bead' is a half pass?

K Spoering said...

Debbie, I saw the Adoration of the Magi too in Paris in the d'Orsay. It was amazing!

I'm not sure about the harp strings, though they look like they sit on top of the weaving. That could be optical, though.

Hope you have a happy holiday, too,Vera!

You can look at other tapestries in the Met like this on the site as well, by the way!

Mary said...

Thanks for this wonderful link. It is even better than looking at the (very) expensive books. Yes, the internet if fabulous.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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