Sunday, December 16, 2012

Van Gogh and the Weavers

Last weekend, at the 'Becoming Van Gogh' exhibit in Denver, I was delighted to see one of Vincent's Weaver paintings and one of the sketches he did of a weaver. I'm pretty sure the painting was the one above, based on notes I scribbled in my tiny notebook.

Van Gogh painted images multiple times. He painted, and sketched, a number of weavers. They were of the working class that he loved to paint.

I am assuming it was from these weavers that he begged, borrowed, or bought the yarn he used to figure out how to get his color effects that I mentioned in the previous post.

I also copied own a quote from his letters. He said, "I assure you that there's a lot involved in compositions with figures... It's like weaving... you must control and keep an eye on several things at once."

I am delighted that one of my favorite artists was familiar with, and appreciated, the work of the weaver.

(Again, as no photos were allowed in the exhibit, these images are from the internet.)


Rebecca Mezoff said...

These are wonderful Kathy! Where is the show? I'm not going to be in Denver until January 16th... maybe it'll still be there.

K Spoering said...

It's at the Denver Art Museum through Jan 20th, Rebecca. You have to have tickets, which also get you into the rest of the museum. You can get the tickets online at It is well worth the price of admission if you like Van Gogh at all. It is beautifully hung and lit, and has an excellent representation of work from every stage of his life. Lots I'd never seen anywhere before!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...