Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November progressing...

As the month moves along, the autumn light continues to bring me excessive joy. When I let Booker back inside this evening, I saw the light hitting the trees above my neighbor's roof, and I had to run for my camera. I truly wonder how many hundreds of photos I have taken of the light coming through the autumn trees? It never gets old for me. I hope it never does...

Booker loves the autumn, too. He loves to roll in the leaves on the ground, and bring them in on his oh-so-heavy-coat to fall throughout the house, so we can have a carpet of leaves inside, as well as outside. It is one of the many services he provides.

And, as the days get cooler and the nights get longer, Gus has once again claimed my weaving chair. We have to battle over it whenever I go into the studio to work. He believes it is His Chair, and I occasionally have to beg to differ.

The "November" tapestry is not progressing as quickly as the month is, but it is moving up the warp a bit. It is such a dark tapestry that I actually went out and bought twinkle lights to hang above my two studio windows, just so I'll not get lost in the darkness!

As you can see in this close-up, there is color in the darkness. It is not all blackness.

I have had a lot of activity filling my non-studio time lately. Musical activity. Is there such a thing as 'too much' music? I've never thought so. But lately, my life is so filled with music, that I've had a hard time turning the Off/On switch in my head to off when I go to bed. It may be 'too much' when lyrics and tunes awaken you in the night. I am still taking guitar lessons, so practice my beloved Taylor guitar daily. And, for the past few months, I have been pretty active in the music each week at church, and about 8 hours each week have been going into the planning, practice, etc. for that. I have also just begun directing an 'occasional choir' at church, a group of people who will get together to sing for the joy of it, and who will occasionally share it with others. I am trying to limit the planning, etc. of that, so that it does not rob me of too much work time.

Music has always been a big part of my life, and it seems to be trying to claim an even bigger part, lately. You probably already knew that music is important to me, didn't you? After all, this blog has the same title as a Carol King song.....  my life IS but a tapestry!


Rebecca Mezoff said...

Booker is beautiful. I'd give him a good squeeze and a run if I were visiting. Leaf-bringer is a good title. And the tapestry is moving along well too. I'm looking forward to seeing it completed.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog! especially the part about Booker and Gus .. I still miss Karley - so great to see Booker's face and would give him a hug, if I could :-) - and the part with the twinkle lights... it is a dark tapestry but interesting, and I look forward to see the next bit! And yes, music - I wish you much more happiness playing the guitar! I could not imagine life without my guitar - happy weaving!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Gus is studiously ignoring you, I can see. A cat's place in the world is most important.

I'll love to see this piece, Kathy! I hope to be able to visit with your entire calendar series in person some day.

K Spoering said...

Rebecca and Vera, I have been where you both are now, mourning the loss of a really wonderful dog. I wish you could both come and share some Booker love (and leaves and hair.)

Tommye, I hope to see all the Calender pieces together someday, too! The eight I have done looked so good together at the exhibit here. After the holidays, I'll begin to send out feelers to galleries to find a venue.

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