Friday, November 22, 2013

On this Winter's Night...

"The lamp is burning low upon my table top
The snow is softly falling...
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter night with you."
 (Gordon  Lightfoot)  

I know it is not winter yet, but the first snow of the season is falling. I took the top photo from the front porch. There is a fire in the fireplace, and good music playing in the stereo. My sweetie and I sipped hot caramel cider, with a content dog curled up at our feet and a sleeping cat across the way. Is that all not just quite enough to be thankful for, as we enter a season of Thanksgiving?

May you be equally blessed...

View from my sitting room window


ringadal said...

I guess that cold weather may be headed our way at some point. We had one cold snap, but yesterday morning I woke to a warm breeze, and it went up to 65 degrees yesterday. The flies were back out biting the horses and it was too hot for sweaters and coats. Funny to see on the other side of the Mississippi it is snowing! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! beautiful!

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I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...