Monday, March 3, 2014

Time to Spring forward....


My sweetie brought me these beautiful flowers last week to remind me that spring is coming, and I have been wanting to take the time to sketch them, but haven't yet, so I at least took a photo today, to maybe sketch from later. I also noticed this morning that the first yellow crocus is blooming in my yard! I don't think I've ever been happier to see spring coming!

Gus, opening an eye long enough to ask if hibernation time is over.... Not yet, Gus, but soon!

This morning I had a dozen or more things on my ToDo list, some more urgent than others. But I have chosen to totally ignore the list, and finish up the small tapestry for the ATA 'Untitled/Unjuried' exhibit, as it is due soon. I got it all woven except for the hem, which I hope to weave before music takes over the rest of my day, as it always does on Monday. I will cut it off tonight when I get home. Then, tomorrow I will tackle that horrendous list, beginning with cleaning up my studio!

It felt a bit bizarre to take a photo of myself taking a photo... but this little tapestry is a celebration piece, celebrating that I have my beloved camera back, and that it means so much to me.

I have had such a variety of  things to do of late, and it seems as if I have less control of my time than I have ever had, a fact which baffles me. But I have made a decision that I am going to begin to eliminate things from my life and schedule that no longer excite me, and do not seem to benefit me or anybody else because of my participation. There are several things that fall into that category, and the time has come, the walrus says.....


tommye said...

I can't wait to see you behind the camera in the small format show in RI this summer! Congratulations on cutting off (which I'll bet you've done by now)!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, love the red in the center of the lens. Is it a reflection? Would you care to comment of the significance of it to you?

K Spoering said...

I'll tell aout the red when I post a full photo of the tapestry...soon. It is cut off, but today I am house and studio cleaning. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

What is the size of this tapestry? What is the sett? I love the shading and detail you were able to achieve.

K Spoering said...

It is only 8x10 inches, and the sett is about 11epi.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...