Thursday, March 20, 2014

Weaving a Tangled Web...

White thread is used to sew cartoon to tapestry in progress

I love the abstract tangle of bare branches! I have taken many photos of them and I really enjoy the challenge of weaving them. The funny thing is, I see this as an abstract tangle of shapes. That is how I see it, and that is how I weave it. But, when it is completed, viewers often see it as photo-realism. I have woven this tangle before, most notably in the January and February tapestries, and somewhat in the October tapestry (all can be seen here.) All were woven as abstracted shapes, yet all read as branches and trees. This tapestry will perhaps be more abstract than any of those; oddly, because it is more of a 'close-up' of the branch tangles. The photo above shows an area of the tapestry that is about 8"x6", or so; a pretty good section of the tapestry. It does not look like branches when isolated like this --- because it is NOT branches! It is an abstract weaving. But when done, it will definitely read as a tangle of branches. I love how the eye can be fooled like that!

I am about 5 inches from the top, and I am loving being at the big loom again, though this is not a very large tapestry. I intend to have it ready to cut off before the end of the month.

One of my many tangled tree photos

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