Monday, July 21, 2014

Trying to Catch Up......

Last week my husband was off work. He had scheduled it as a vacation week long ago,  as we had hoped to go to Convergence and the related exhibits in Rhode Island. But we decided that we just couldn't do that this year, for various reasons. So we went to see our kids in Denver for a few days, then went up to do some much needed work at our cabin for another few days during the week.

While at the cabin, I worked a bit  on a larger painting (which I will share at a later time) and on these tiny paintings. These three are each just 5x7 inches. It is really hard to get a decent photo of them! They are so small, that the texture of the canvas seems to interfere with photos. I'll have to work at it, to get better pictures somehow.

 The one above, especially, is hard to capture in a photo.

Anyway.... they are all a part of my little 'Places I Remember' paintings. The top one is from Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, and is of the Pedernal, the mountain Georgia O'Keefe said God would give her if she painted it enough. So I call it "Georgia's Mountain." 

The lower one is of Mesa Verde, here in Colorado. The middle one is just from my back yard. I will try to get a better photo of it. And - I'm not at all sure any of these are really 'done' yet, but I thought I would at least know I am still doing a bit of work. 

I hope to get into the studio later today to finish up the larger painting, and get things ready so I can weave tomorrow, on my Studio Tuesday!

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...