Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday is Work Day...

I have had so many life distractions lately, I have decided to set aside at least one non-negotiable, non-interruptable work day each week. For now, that day is Tuesday, which seems to be the most open day in my current calendar. So I have spent the morning in my studio, and have reached the one-third-of-the-way-to-the-finish point on the 'April' tapestry!

I am trying to mostly reserve this work day for actual studio work, as I can squeeze in moments to update this blog and Etsy, and to deal with exhibit requirements on most other days. But I needed to take a 'think break,' knowing that when I go back to the loom, I will be winding the warp forward, losing view of the lower few inches, so I need to know ahead of time where I will be going next.

So... during this break, I posted here, and added the above little canvas print to my Etsy shop. My son owns the original painting. It is of the Pont du Neuf (the 'new bridge' - tho' it is actually the oldest in Paris) on the Seine. This little print is one of my 'Places I Remember' series of paintings. And I do remember quite fondly this spot in Paris! If I turned to the right, the other direction, I would be looking at Notre Dame. When we first crossed this bridge, we caught our first view of the Eiffel Tower, further to the left up the Seine. A lovely spot! When I go there again, I want to sit and sketch somewhere near this bridge.

Back to work... my iced tea break with you is at an end!

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...