Thursday, October 9, 2014


I actually did have a 'Studio Tuesday' this week, though I doubt anyone would be interested in seeing what I did. I impressed myself, however, by cleaning the studio, which is a necessary job at the end of each tapestry. I put away all the yarns I'd been working from into their appropriate color-sorted bins; I cleared all piled spaces; and, in effect, I got the studio ready for starting the next tapestry.

I have done a few sketches in my sketchbook lately, but nothing spectacular. In helping move my parents here, I ran across a number of tiny black and white photos of myself as a child. They always amuse me, because it looks like I was a bit of a grump as a child! The one I sketched the above sketch from was from a birthday party, and I look like I am not really into the proceedings. In my defense, I was about 3-years old, and it wasn't my birthday party, so why should I have been excited? It seems that life confused me as much at that age as it does now!..... and that, dear visitor, is saying something, right there!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy, I'd love to know what's happening for you during the cleaning/sorting/organizing phase of your creative process. It sounds to me as tho what you describe is part of the end of the previous phase rather than the beginning of the new project. Any words of wisdom you'd care to share about the significance for you at an esoteric level?

K Spoering said...

You are right; the studio clean-up process is a part of the creative process for finishing up a completed tapestry, but also for readying my mind (and my work-space) for the next piece.

The studio clean-up after cutting a piece off the loom is partly a practical matter, and partly a ritual. There are thrums and yarns bits to be dealt with. There are the baskets and collections of yarn I have been using to return to the yarn shelves. There is the cartoon and the maquette to store away.

I don't know that I have any words of wisdom about the process, but I do know that it is a time that I use to 'move on:' to let go of the last project, and to begin to think of the next one. I clean the loom, and prep it for re-tying the warp on. As I put yarn away, I think of which ones I may be using for the next tapestry.

I do think rituals, even practical ones such as cleaning the studio between projects, help us move from one creation to the next.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding to my inquiry!!

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