Saturday, October 18, 2014

"Time Out" is over!

I sometimes 'put myself in time-out' for a bit of time. I stick my head in the sand, or in the corner, and do not allow myself to see the work of other artists. I do this on purpose, because I often feel either over-influenced by, or overwhelmed by, the work of other artists, and even by any visual images. So I just keep to myself for a time, and try to work my way through it. 

But then I start to feel depleted and something from the outside world will come into my little corner, and it jump-starts my creative mind! That happened to me this morning. I opened my mail to find the catalog from the 'The Art is the Cloth' exhibit, and each image I looked at excited me more and more! Then I reluctantly put the catalog down and picked up an Elle Decor magazine my friend had recently dropped by for me, and each advertisement spoke to me of color or of pattern or some design element. I haven't even gotten past the advertisements yet!

I did not realize how creatively dehydrated I had become; a truly thirsty desert rat. I think my 'creative time out' must have been over-long this go-round, so I am glad it has come to an end! I have a stack of magazines I have just been putting aside for 'later,' and now 'later' seems to have come! My parched eyes and mind are ready to look, and to be inspired.

By the way, the catalog shown above will be available for everyone to purchase next week. I will post the information when I get it. The tapestry I have in the exhibit is the one below: "Dama con Mangoes." I am thrilled to have a piece in such a terrific exhibit, and I hope to see it in one of it's venues before it is over.



tlandeau said...

I love this tapestry, Kathy; the angle of her face, the print on the dress, the color of the mangoes, the background and the composition... It is really a gem!
I understand isolating yourself for a bit to recharge. Once you open up again, everything is that much more vivid. Bravo and happy weaving!

lyn said...

Kathy, I totally understand the "time-out" concept. At a couple of the artist residencies I have done, there was an "artists' journal" filled with images & prose from previous artists, which incoming artists were encouraged to leaf through (& make an entry in). I realized I really needed to avoid looking at that thing until I was in my groove & ready to see it... for all of the same reasons you've mentioned here. When I finally allowed myself to peek inside, it was inspiring & affirming.

Drink it all in! And a big congrats on the exhibit & what looks to be a very juicy catalog that I probably need to own :)

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...