Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Studio Tuesday, Nov.18th

Lots to get done in the studio again today! I had to get the little tapestry, "Grace," ready to ship off to The Art is the Cloth exhibit, which will be in Newton, PA (see info on side) soon. "Grace" will replace my tapestry which sold in the exhibit in New Hampshire! May "Grace" be so lucky as to find a new home, as well!

I also was determined to begin the "July" tapestry before I leave town this weekend. So I finished warping the loom, tied on the warp, wove a header and a hem, and got a bit more than an inch woven on the tapestry! A good beginning!

Finally, I completed mounting the "April" tapestry, which the full title for is "April, Come She Will," a musical title for a piece that is largely about my love for and involvement in music.

All in all, I spent pretty much the whole day in the studio, and feel I got a lot done. Can you even imagine what I'd get done if I had two days a week in the studio? It boggles the mind......


ingridcc said...

I love your "Grace" tapestry! saw your half-finished photo of it on Pinterest and came to your site to see the finished piece, and your other work. Do you allow your pieces to be "pinned"? I have a board called Textiles and Makers where I would love to pin your some of your tapestries but I totally understand if you would rather I don't. Thanks for your blog!(my pinterest name is Ingrid Corinne)

K Spoering said...

Ingrid, as long as you give me credit for my work, and if possible link back to where you found it (my blog or website) I'm OK with it being pinned. Thanks for visiting me here!

ingridcc said...

I will most definitely credit you, and the pin itself is a link, thank you!!

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