Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Studio Tuesday...Nov. 4th

Today was a fairly productive studio workday. I have plenty to do there, so I decided to concentrate on getting a couple of the woven pieces mounted. I have a small one I needed to prep to go off to exhibition, and both the "November' and 'April' calendar tapestries to mount. So the tools of my trade today were scissors, a staple gun, screwdrivers, pins, and an iron, plus the odd stereo remote, stretcher frames, fabric and batting, and the very necessary cup of coffee (usually set a bit further from the action.)

Once again, I was joined by the studio supervisor, who decided to pull half a dozen skeins and balls of yarn from several baskets, in order to settle himself in the most comfortable supervising spot. (Do you see him trying to look 'not guilty,' as he knows he was in forbidden territory, and would not  be allowed to stay there long.)

At the end of the work day, I have the 'November' tapestry mounted as well as the one that will soon be shipped off to an exhibit.

I still have another mounting job to do, and the warp yet to be tied onto the loom for the next piece. I am glad there is at least one Studio Tuesday each week! I intend to be weaving again by the end of the month.


Mary said...

Your cat certainly looks innocent!
You are making me see the advantage of setting a specific day aside for your work. You seem to be achieving so much.

skeindalous said...

This weaving of the moon and the bare branches is wonderful. I am an on-the-loom weaver who has just started to be interested in tapestry. Always felt I was not enough of an Artist to do tapestry. But I am now reading blogs and books and blogs. Would love to be able to do such a piece someday.

K Spoering said...

You'll never know what you can do unless you try! Go for it! The process, the making of it, is what makes you an artist, not the product. Don't let fear keep you from doing something you may discover you love doing.

Sara said...

The moon tapestry is lovely! The cat is hilarious. :)

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