Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A 'Small Adventure' gone Large....

The instructor for the last week of my Sketchbook Skool 'Expressing' course was Michael Nobbs. His assignment was to take a 'mini adventure' and to do something small each day of the week that would add up to something larger, when finally completed. I have had a busy week, so decided I would stay nearby, and have my adventure very close to home. I have always wanted to sketch the houses on the block that I live on, so I decided to tackle that, in Michael's recommended twenty-minute segments of time.

I sketched each house in a very simplified ink sketch in my sketchbook. Then, I scanned each one into my computer and 'colored' them in Photoshop, using a simplified style, much like Michael's own style.

The end, larger, product, was to scan each of the houses into one image to make a bit of a 'map' of houses on my street. I have printed the map out, and it will fold, accordion style, into the last bit of my sketchbook, which is just today filled, with the last of the house sketches that I did.

In addition to this project, I have been weaving 'O'Brian,' the tapestry chicken. She is just over halfway done, and I will post an updated photo soon.


Rebecca Mezoff said...

I love this! What a great project with a fun result.

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Rebecca. It was fun to do, too!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...