Saturday, February 13, 2016

That Was the Week That Was...

(Do you remember that TV show? I loved it!)

This past week was week #4 of the Sketchbook Skool 'Expressing' class I am taking. One of the assignments from the previous week was to find a photo on the internet of a person and sketch it. So I did Patsy Cline. I am currently really liking Miss Cline, though country music is not really a genre that I've been much attached to in the past. I hear more blues in her music, when you listen to it in the right mood. And I love blues!

This week's instructor is the one I signed up for: Penny Dullaghan, the founder of Illustration Friday, among other things. I love her work. So the assignment she gave was to sketch 'something that flies,' using a transfer method to get organic, expressive line work. I did the sketch above, keeping it very simple on purpose, because the transfer method I used, with india ink and tracing paper, was very slow and erratic, as you can tell from the 'messy' lines (aka 'organic expressive lines.')

In spite of the simplicity and the 'messiness,' I like the image and I think it would be fun using it as a pattern element. I can see it on some pajama pants!

She shared several more transfer methods, and I hope to try them all before the week is up, next Friday.

O'Brien, the tapestry chicken, is growing slowly, as tapestries and chickens have been known to do. I am a bit further than this photo shows, but not much further. I am probably very close to the half-way point now. I cannot sit at a loom as long as I used to be able to - back in the days when a deadline could keep me weaving 8 or more hours in a day. If I tried that now, I'd be in traction somewhere! So I am just enjoying weaving in 45 minute stretches - then literally stretching for awhile, and doing something else before I go back to work. I need to hustle, though, to get her done by the end of this month, leaving some finishing and shipping time before she is due to be at the small tapestry exhibit in March.

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...