Monday, May 23, 2016

Giving a hoot.....

I have not been getting much weaving time, again. How was it that I used to be so productive? And I have reached that frequently reached point in this tapestry where I look at it with despair, knowing it will be a total failure, as it doesn't look at all like an Amaryllis. It looks like a weaving, though, so I trust my work, and keep going. What else can I do?

One of the things I can do is go out in Nature, so my husband and Booker and I went on our annual owl hunt the other day. The owls were out of their nest, so we were afraid we'd missed them. But Mom was in a nearby tree, keeping one alert eye on her young ones, and the owlets were in the nesting tree, out on a branch, huddled together against the spring wind. We got a few good photos, and I sketched Mama Owl in my sketchbook.

I also got some new markers I wanted to try out, so I also 'tried out' the Sketchy app, for the first time. It is probably something I'll do again! It is fun to sketch someone I don't know - all the pressure is off. I was happy enough with the sketch, but not thrilled with the markers. They were expensive, and they bled through even my heavy Stillman and Birn sketchbook paper. Oh, well. Live and learn. 

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Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...