Sunday, May 29, 2016

Peace, Love, and Rock and Roll....

I have not had the time I'd like to have to be creative, of late. But my Peace Rose just gave me it's first bloom this weekend, much later than my other roses, which have been blooming for several weeks now. But that is the way with peace: it seems to take it's time. Better late than never, though! I did take the time to sit and do a colored pencil sketch of it, (watercolor pencils, mostly Inktense) in one of my favorite vintage vases.

As a pacifist, I truly believe the best way to memorialize fallen warriors is not to glorify war, but to learn to solve issues in such a way as to avoid more loss. Surely that is what they would want, as well. The sketch is a simple one, but I did it slowly, as a meditation and a prayer for peace.

May your weekend be a peaceful one. May our days and moments be peaceful, and may the peace that comes from us spread - as far and wide and quickly as possible.


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I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...