Tuesday, July 7, 2020

My life is but a Sketchbook....

Say his name: GEORGE FLOYD

Even though I am staying isolated, not just for my own sake, but for the sake of everyone (and I'm sure I'll say that again,) I am not unaware of what is happening in the world, and I am, to be honest, horrified.  I am horrified that not everyone has equal rights and opportunities in our country, and indeed, in the world. I am horrified that something so insignificant as skin color or tone makes a difference in how someone is treated and reacted to.  I am horrified that not everyone sees and cares about this, and that even at the top level of our country racism is alive and active and encouraged in others. I am truly horrified. It brings me to tears.

I am also horrified that science, and even common sense, is scoffed at, once again even at top levels of our country, and encouraged in others. I am horrified that so many think what they want to do is more important than the effects of their actions on others.

I wonder if our country can come back from this horrifying time? Can we become more caring? Can our divisions be healed? Can common sense and common decency be restored, and even more, can it grow to be more inclusive, instead of divisive?

This blog is about my art. It is not about politics. But my art is, as is obvious from these recent sketchbook pages, about my life. I am concerned. 

It concerns me when I go to the grocery store here, where the Corona Virus is spreading more rapidly than ever, that far more people are mask-less than are wearing masks - such a simple thing to do to act out of our concern for others.

It concerns me when a president who should lead, if not by policy, at least by example, gathers large groups of mask-less people (many whom are obviously in the at-risk group,) and when he politicizes  and scoffs at scientific and medical findings for his own gain.

It concerns me when peaceful protestors for a worthy cause are treated as terrorists.

I love my country. I care about the people around me, especially those whose lives are more difficult than mine is. But right now, I am very concerned. In fact, I am horrified.

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