Thursday, July 16, 2020

Still 'Procreate-ing' (digitally, that is...)

I am still doing the #30Days/30Faces challenge on the artist's #Sktchy app, so here are sketches 7-14, from week two. The 6 instructors all have different work methods and art styles; they also choose the photo images we work from each day. For the most part, I stick to the demonstrated style, digital brushes, and method used, though I am allowing my own style to take over when I prefer to do so. The above sketches were all done in #Procreate on an iPadPro with an Apple Pencil. The first, done with a gouache style, the middle one with charcoal brushes, and the one on the right in a comic book style.

These were also done in the same digital app; Procreate. The middle sketch was done with pencil and ink brushes, from a photo of a man looking out a window with blinds. The other two used ink and watercolor brushes.

The two end sketches here are not digital, though the middle one is. The middle sketch is again a comic book style, and I confess that I really love this style! It is a lot of fun to create, and I love the 'clean-ness' of it. The other two here are  from my sketchbook, and are done with a black Bic ink pen. The one on the right is a self-portrait, and the left one is of a lovely child's photo from #Sktchy.

Digital sketching still takes me longer than sketching with 'analog' media does, but I confess that it is pretty handy to just grab one tool - the Apple Pencil - and to not have any mess or cleanup. Most of the tutorials are almost an hour to watch, as well (except the comic style ones.) So I have dumped most of my social  media time for the month, and am using my online time for these lessons. I am missing seeing what everyone is doing on Instagram, but I'll be back there in August. In the meantime, I'm learning to sketch digitally - and I'm weaving a tapestry and have warped my floor loom and begun weaving some rag rugs (with much enthusiastic help and interest from Poe and Ringo, requiring me to cover the loom when it is not in use.)

Two weeks done, 14 of 30 sketches. The month is flying by, as it does when I'm having fun!

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Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...