Monday, July 21, 2008

Apples & Cinnamon, and North & South...

I have been working on another "Dear Little Cup" painting. It's still wet, so I can't make the final adjustments - darkening some shadows, etc. - yet. I'll let it dry while we're out of town... and out of the country for a bit.

This is the week we had been planning to go to Honduras to work in a free medical clinic. But the best made plans do not always go our way, and it has been clear that our plans were in Someone Else's hands for quite some time. A number of things began making the trip more and more risky and difficult. Then a plane crashed in Tegucigalpa, shutting down the airport entirely, which moved the trip from difficult to impossible. So we had to cancel it. Fortunately, the airlines, being no more in control than we were, refunded everything.

So now, instead of going south, we will be going north! We'll be leaving Thursday to go to Boston to spend time with our son's family. (Yea, Grandma Time!) Then we'll go to Quebec City, where I've wanted to go for some time, for a 4-day weekend. I plan to take lots of pictures, sketch a bit, and generally refill my creative inspiration bucket, which has been a bit on the empty side lately. I will also get to see a European Masters Portrait exhibit and a Winslow Homer exhibit in Boston - I don't want to shock anyone, but my small city does not have a Museum of Fine Art, so this will be an exciting perk of the trip as well. If I see anything I think you might want to see, I'll share it when I get back home. Time to pack... a totally different wardrobe than I had planned on packing! Clothes for play, not for work. I think the One in Charge knew that we badly needed some R&R this summer - AND some grandparent time!!


Anonymous said...


If you happen to drive over to Canada, easier to fly but, think of stopping at Williams College Museum. I think you will enjoy it.

My love to Boston, I hope to be there next year for a spell.

lyn said...

Wow, Kathy, Quebec City! I am envious. I haven't been to Canada since I was a kid living in NY state with my parents. My grandmother was French-Canadian & we would go to Ottawa to visit my father's cousin's camp on the Gatineau River. Many of the relatives there only spoke French & we didn't, but we always all had a great time. I would love to go tour Quebec some day to explore my heritage.

Thanks for the suggestion for hanging "sensia". I have a thing for letting things "hang free" (good thing I'm not a guy), but it should be pretty secure because along its top header (on the back) it will have a velcro attachment to a wooden strip screwed into the wall.

Bon voyage!

Margaret said...

Sorry your plans for Honduras didn't work out, but it sounds like it was all for the best.

I love your painting--so much warmth, like all your work!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...