Tuesday, July 1, 2008


My sweet grandchildren have just left (with their sweet father, my son). We had what we hope will be the first annual "Grandma/Grandpa Camp" with them this past weekend. We were up on the Grand Mesa at our cabin for three days, then back here at home a day-and-a-half, to get everyone cleaned and rested up to go back home.

I had planned activities mostly for our four year old grand-daughter, as her brother (at 2) mostly just wants to do whatever she's doing. Some of the things were beyond him, so during those times he could swing and hang out with his dad and grandfather.

I took the looper loom, but was not sure if Katie would be old enough to do the weaving. Silly grandma... Never underestimate the abilities of a smart, determined 4-year old girl! She took to it immediately - whispering "over, under, over, under" to herself like billions of new weavers have done forever. She completed two potholders; one for her mom, and one for her other grandma - so she'll have to make me one next time she comes! The second one she made, she announced to me, "I want to make a pattern." So, completely on her own, she arranged the colors in a repeating pattern in the warp loops, and a second repeat for the weft. I was amazed, impressed, and Soooo proud!

The other activity that I had for her that I wasn't sure if she was old enough for was paperdolls. I Loved paperdolls when I was young! I have saved all the Mary Engelbreit paperdolls from the back of her magazines for a number of years - hoping I'd one day have a grand-daughter who would play with me. Little did I know that one day, one would show up in new pink glasses, who looked Very Much like the Ann Estelle paperdoll! So we made a Katie paperdoll, with her own camp shirt. Katie loved the paperdolls. She even designed houses for them, which she drew out on papers, and we spread about the cabin. The rooms had furniture, 'fancy' floors, and were quite decorated and accessorized!

We also fished, and, not to leave Milo out, he caught his first Rainbow Trout! We were all very happy campers... but I think it may be time for Grandma's nap! After all, I'm hoping for FOUR campers next time!
(NOTE: The drawing of the bird at the top of this post was done by Katie. We did the first lesson from the Drawing With Children book, which I highly recommend. She loved it, and will be ready for lesson #2 next time we're together.)

1 comment:

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Hey there, Kathy!
haven't had a chance to catch up with your blog while in Fl at Convergence and ATA retreat but am getting a moment now, on the way back....wonderful things you've posted! Great grandma, you are.

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I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...