Friday, July 18, 2008

Enough: Illustration Friday topic

How much Hope is enough, anyway? Last night we went to see the movie, WALL-E, so I guess that's why I feel the need for an extra measure of hope this morning. I know 'everybody' loves the movie, but I just found it to be somewhat frightening. Especially about the horrible shape humans are in in the future! And don't tell me we're not headed in that direction! This morning's front page of our local paper says that Colorado's population is the 'slimmest' of any state in the country. But I walk down these Colorado streets, and if our population is in the best shape, I guess the rest of the country looks like those in this movie! Get movin' people!!! Give me some hope, here!

I was determined to do a sketch (at least) specifically for this week's Illustration Friday topic, so I did the one above. But I have to confess that when I saw what the topic was, I wanted to post the "Watermelon Girls" tapestry, and also this old Kansas photo that I digitally colorized... both with enough to share! So I'll just post everything!
Three images plus a rant... ¿Es suficiente?


Jan said...

Not sure my sleepy vacation brain gets the watermelons connection to Hope, although they look kind of earthlike.....

When you come to New England you should call, maybe we can have lunch or something, Jan

K Spoering said...

No, the connection is to the topic, "enough"... as in "Enough hope?" and "Watermelons enough to share!"
"Enough" is the Illustration Friday topic this week.
I guess I got so caught up in my rant that I didn't make that clear enough... (Enough, already!!!)

Anonymous said... brought new meaning to "enough" well done!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Hey there, Kathy...I indeed got your point, as you may know since I've lost over 120 lbs over the past seven years by realizing I'd been having more than my "enough!" many times over. Plus, my dr. told me I'd die if I didn't lose weight!

Yes, I notice the size of people all around me and realize that our culture has a definite problem. Historically, I realize that some cultures associated heftiness of body with wealth. But, unfortunately--as you well understand--in our U.S. culture, the size of the person is often increased by the food they're able to afford--which is most often high in fat and calorie content. And that certainly doesn't mean that the food available for the $$ available to the person spending for food is that it is that which is nutritionally good -- not just highly caloric.

K Spoering said...

Good for you, Tommye! I've gained and lost my own bit as well. What was so upsetting in the movie wasn't just the size of the people, but their inactivity. They had done so little for so long, they could no longer do anything at all... just sit in front of computers and talk on phones, consuming junk food. It sounded a bit too familiar!! My husband is seeing more and more unhealthily obese children... here, where we are supposedly the state in the best shape. Scary!

Margaret said...

I guess I need to see Wall-E--but I'm with you, it sounds pretty depressing!

I'm in love with the watermelon girls tapestry! So lovely! Did you do it from a photo as well?

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...