Saturday, November 21, 2009


18"x18". Wool weft on cotton warp, sett at about 8-9 epi. The inspiration photo can be seen here. (As always, you can click on the image to see it larger.)


Krystyna Sadej said...

Kathy, what a beautiful, elegant tapestry! I love a back of it too! It could be a beautiful installation, great on both sides...

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

I really love this tapestry. The small areas of color are particularly appealing. Great job, Kathy.
How many in your year of tapestries now??

Anonymous said...

Wow Kathy, This is just beautiful! I have never told you that I spied your work when I first started taking tapestry with Tommye. When I realized it was your work that I loved (after having found it), I was thrilled to have you visit my site. I especially love your use of old photographs, I have an affinity for them too. Have you ever seen Susan Carlson's art quilts? She has a series called Farmer's Market that remind me of your work.

OzWeaver said...

I'm awestruck! It's wonderful! It conjures up so many feelings that I have about winter. Brava!

K Spoering said...

This is the third of the Calendar pieces. I've done January, February, and September. Only 9 to go!

K Spoering said...

Thanks, Lauren, for pointing Susan Carlson's work out to me. I'd never seen it before, and it's wonderful!

Jennifer said...

I agree it's beautiful and elegant - and you were able to schedule time despite Booker! What an accomplishment! Looking forward to seeing the next installment.

Jan said...

Exquisite! I love the way it is almost black and white, but not quite, with those little touches of rust red (leftover oak leaves?) and the bit of blue sky.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...