Friday, November 27, 2009

Dealing with UFO's

In the knitting world, UFO's are 'unfinished objects,' and some of us have many UFO's floating around the house in various states of un-doneness. I have been trying to get some of these done. I finished the first of four grandchildren sweaters. I figure I need to knit sweaters for them now, while they are young, before they reach the age of dreading the Christmas sweater. This one is done in angora. All the ruffly edges are actually crocheted, so this knit up pretty quickly!

It is to have one button at the top neck. I have several big tins of buttons from various grandmothers, and from my mother-in-law. I may wait until the kids come and will let them choose their own buttons from the tins. These button tins have been a source of joy to my oldest grand-daughter, especially. When she was younger, they were her favorite thing to play with, and she would scoop them from the tins into bowls, stirring them into 'button soup.' There are buttons from a number of eras in the soup, some even of bakelite. Some are truly vintage treasures, and some are just recycled shirt buttons, as my mother-in-law never turned a shirt into rags without first saving the buttons.

On the other hand, I can see the kids parents' horror if they chose some of these buttons from the past. Some of the most shiny and appealing could turn a sweet sweater into gaudy and appalling! So maybe I could pick out a special pile for each to choose from.

... Or maybe I'll just make my own choice and sew it on, then tell them the button came from the Grandmas' button soup tin.

I also finished the Project Linus blanket, and will take it out to the gallery (which is a drop-off location) this afternoon. It is 36"x 36", and of a washable acrylic, which is what they request.


Jane said...

I inherited my mum's button tin. Some of the buttons go back to my great grandmother. I have memories from when I was younger, cutting off buttons and taking zips out of clothes that had gone past their useful life. Some habits die hard

L.C. Spoering said...

is that for sierra? it will look so pretty with her dark hair!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Your close up photo of the button soup would make a wonderful design for a tapestry! Buttons with lots of textures of yarns--shiny, matte, rough, smooth. What a curves challenge, too!

K Spoering said...

Uh, yeah, Tommye. How 'bout if I let you weave that one!

Yes, Lorrie, this is Sierra's sweater. A 'girly' one for her, like the pink bolero I did Katie a few years ago.

I still love and save my buttons, too, and did find myself cutting off shirt buttons not long ago. You just never know....!

Rebecca Mezoff said...

I also have a cupboard full of knitting UFOs. I tend to finish the baby sweaters (though just had a pair of twins pop out on me early and am not done with their sweaters), but the ones I knit for myself languish in a pile usually just missing a trim or button placket. UFOs. That is really good. The sweater is beautiful, and I remember playing in my own mother's button drawer... but she is still using it.

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