Monday, November 30, 2009

Tis the season?....

As is the case for most of you, I'm guessing, Christmas is creeping up on me. And some of the things that are included in the holidays really give 'creeping' a literal meaning! I heard Bob Dylan singing "The Little Drummer Boy" on the radio before I could cover my ears quickly enough. Don't get me wrong; I love Bob Dylan, but "The Little Drummer Boy?" Really, Bob? It just shouldn't be.

My enthusiastic and non-Grinchy neighbors already have the lights on their houses all lit up.

Some of you might remember that last year, Gus climbed our tree and knocked it over, so we had to tie it to the stair banister. He climbed it more than once. I can't even imagine what Booker will do to a tree, or any holiday decor. So it won't go up until the last minute.

I am particularly drawn to the photo above that I have been playing with. I took it in Maine. It is of a pile of ropes and net and lobster traps and an upside-down boat, all set off by a pile of Christmas lights. I don't know what the lights were doing there, but I kind of like the idea of just taking a mess of lights out and tossing them in the yard, then plugging them in. I think it might make a spectacular statement. After all, if Bob Dylan can sing "The Little Drummer Boy," anything is permissible... Perhaps I will make this photo my holiday card. Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum.


Theresa said...

Oh heavens, my eyes are still running from laughing so hard. Bob Dylan singing The Little Drummer Boy???
Really!!! Good grief that is rather scary. I'm in full agreement, after that anything goes.

Male puppies and trees, need I say more. The boys in the house ( we have 5 male dogs) seem to think we bring a tree in so they can keep their feet dry. The old ones know better, the younger ones seem to be forgetful from year to year without a strong reminder.
The only advice I can offer, no low hanging ornaments and no glass ones. In fact toss those lights right on the top of the tree and leave them.

Theresa said...

Because I needed to experience the fright myself I found the song on youtube. I hate to break this to you but he's done a whole Christmas album....

I'm grabbing Joan Baez's Noel to counteract any lingering effects....

K Spoering said...

Oh, I'm sorry to see you're right, Teresa! I previewed it on iTunes, and each song is worse than the rest. "The Little Drummer Boy" wasn't the worst of the lot at all. He sounds like Fozzy Bear on something illegal. What on earth was he thinking???

This album definitely belongs in the Sad-but-True category.

Jan said...

I have the perfect solution for a "Christmas Tree" with over-enthusiastic pets. Years ago, with 2 kittens in the house, I took a long dowel, lashed evergreens to it, attached small glass ornaments, then hung it over a doorway. It was a "vertical Christmas tree," and smelled just right.

Theresa said...

You were much braver than I. I stopped with the one song and seeing the album cover. Do you think he needs the money? I would have been happy to donate to keep THAT from happening and letting Bob keep his dignity.

Love the idea of a Christmas bough. I might just do one this year instead of a tree!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...