The apricots are ripening! Our two trees are so loaded, the cots look like bunches of grapes, clustered on the branches.

And not just some branches; ALL of the branches! One large branch was so heavy on our old tree that it broke off the other night, filling the alley with limbs and apricots. My husband estimated that it must have weighed about 800 lbs., with all that fruit on it!

The first pie of the season was baked last night. Tasty! Both then, hot, and cooled for breakfast.

If you need or want apricots, come on over! We are making neighbors, friends, and just any old passers-by load up with them and help us out. We can only eat so many pies, jams, and dried apricots!!!!
Note: As I spend so much of my time in July dealing with apricots, I am thinking the July calendar tapestry should be.... apricots!
oh yumm, wish I lived close enough to relieve you of some of those 'cots. They are beautiful and a definite subject for 'July'.
oh MAN. i want apricots so so bad. *pouts*
I am freezing you some pie fillings, making you some jam, and drying a ton of them for you. If you want fresh, come on over! I'll meet you halfway to bring some to you!
HA. tempting, really really tempting. *pouts some more*
Tally so far:
1 dehydrator full
4 frozen pie fillings
Now up to 12 pie filling frozen, and am STOPPING with the pie fillings, already!
Will fill the dehydrator again tomorrow. A drier batch fills a gallon zip-lock bag. That's a LOT of dried apricots!
Then, on to jam...
10 jars of jam...
(9 ladies dancing - they're the ones that didn't make the jam)
...and a partridge in an apricot tree!
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