Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"March".... finally.

I have finally finished the slit-sewing and blocking on the "March" tapestry! After spending all this time with it.... the designing, weaving, and finishing time.... this morning I really felt like I 'saw' it for the first time! When I saw it from the front, upright as it is meant to be viewed to take photos of it, it immediately transported me to Harvard's Lowell House courtyard, with my two then-new grandchildren nearby, in early spring. It made me again feel the delight and wonder of seeing the first crocus and little iris coming up among the debris from the seasons past, with the sun shining brightly on them like a spotlight. It made me remember sharing the wonder with my little grandchildren, delighting in them, the season, and the bright little flowers.

In other words, I finally fell in love with it! I love the high contrast; the brights and the darks. March is all about contrast here where I live. One moment it is dark winter, then it is bright spring. March is all about the light coming back, after a time of darkness. That is what I wanted to capture in this little tapestry. It is, like all of the Calendar tapestries, 18"x18".

As for the rest of my life right now: I have become Bubba Gump's Apricot company. You gotch yer dried apricots, yer canned apricots, yer apricot jam, yer apricot pie fillings, yer frozen apricots, and yer fresh picked apricots...

My finger tips and nails have turned orange. And I'm thinking ahead to yer apricot chicken, yer apricot salsa, yer apricot cobbler, yer apricot fruit salad, yer apricot pie, yer home-froze apricot ice cream....


Sherri Woodard Coffey said...

The tapestry is beautiful! I'm glad you finally fell in love with it, although I understand the ambiguity when working so long on something.

I also really enjoyed hearing about your new apricot "business."

Krystyna Sadej said...

Just beautiful!

Valerie said...

Ooooh! The tapestry is wonderful and such wonderful depiction of light!

Apricots...IMO, one can never have too many. You are blessed!

K Spoering said...

Thank you for liking my tapestry!

And, my dear Valerie, I don't want to be argumentative, but this blessing of apricots is indeed packed down and overflowing this year. I am beginning to feel like the Sorcerer's apprentice! I deal with a bushel, and find there are more and more and more bushels ripening on the tree. I need more neighbors and friends! I am quite being drowned in tasty, sweet apricots.

Anonymous said...

I love your tapestry. The intensity between the light and dark is incredible. I can picture it in a garden. what epi did you use and what size warp yarn.
Megan in Collingwood Ont. who is a beginner tapestry artist.

K Spoering said...

Megan, the warp sett is about 8 epi. The warp is cotton seine warp from Norsk Fjord Fiber and is 12/3.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...