Friday, July 16, 2010

IF topic: Breakfast

This week's Illustration Friday topic is 'breakfast,' so I decided to post this small tapestry, which I believe I posted once before, long ago. It is 8"x10" and is called "Beignets et Café au Lait." I did it for one of the very early non-juried small format tapestry exhibits. That exhibit, in it's current form, just opened on Canyon Road in Santa Fe. It is the exhibit I created "Milo's Duck" for. If you are in that area, do make sure to see it! It is always a fun exhibit, filled with works from beginners and professionals alike.

As for this little tapestry; all of the line and 'dot' work is woven in, not added after it left the loom. That was the challenge for me as I wove it. And, by the way, not only can I weave a beignet, I can also make a pretty good one, as well! Ummmm.... powdered sugar!


Connie said...

Amazing and so nice to see an altogether medium.

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Wouldn't mind having a beignet and some cafe au lait this morning, or this afternoon as the clock says 12:30!

Julia Kelly said...

very nice tapestry- making me hungry- and I like your header- perfect!

Vilt og vakkert said...

Beautiful tapestry - a patient convenience work!
Have a nice weekend ;:OD)

dosankodebbie said...

I've never seen this form of art before. It's gorgeous. I love the tactile quality that comes across even in the photo.

K Spoering said...

Thank you, and Debbie, I am glad you have discovered hand woven tapestry here! That tactile bit is what it's all about, as far as I'm concerned.

Vicki Smith said...

beautiful! I love the powdered sugar.

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