Saturday, September 28, 2013


My dear blog-readers, because you are my favorites, I am posting this here first. (If none of you want this offer, I will post elsewhere soon.)

I am clearing out my studio. 'Stuff,' delightful as some of it may be, is seriously overwhelming me. So, one of the things I have decided I no longer need, but that somebody may want, is this tall stack of ATA newsletters, going back to almost the very beginning and including almost all of them.

If you would like them, leave me a comment here to let me know. If more than one of you wants them, I'll do a drawing or something to decide where they go. If nobody wants them, I'll post this on the Tapestry List, and if no-one there wants them, I'll probably (sadly) stick them in the recycle bin. The recycle truck comes next Wednesday, so I will decide before then what to do with this lovely and highly educational stack of newsletters that has totally filled a drawer of my filing cabinet for many years!

If, for some reason you cannot leave a comment here (I know some browsers are obstinate that way), send me an email or a note on Facebook.

** Since there seems to be some interest, I'll do a drawing of those who have posted here or on Facebook on Tuesday evening, and will send the newsletters to the 'chosen one' on Wednesday. (no charge, I'll mail it book rate.)


slkunze said...

I would love to adopt your collection on Tapestry Topics. I can prepay the postage by check or Paypal as you choose. Thank you for the offer!

Susan Kunze
Sandersville, Ga

Rebecca Mezoff said...

I would love them Kathy. I feel like I am still a newcomer to ATA and would love to look back over the history. It sounds like a wonderful treasure trove.

Elizabeth Buckley, Artist, Teacher, Writer said...
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K Spoering said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,
on another topic, - I am glad that you have given us a link to your Etsy shop. I looked here on your web site and on Etsy and could not find it. I very much enjoyed visiting your shop and wish you more interested customers! Happy weaving!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...