Tuesday, September 3, 2013


As you can see, I have finished the "June" tapestry! In fact, I just cut it from the loom and it is 'resting,' as am I! My hope was to finish by the end of this week, but the upper third went faster than I had thought it would. Plus, as my mess-of-a-house and my empty pantry will attest, I have done nothing but weave for the past week or two.

I now need to do the finishing work on it, though there are very few slits to sew on this piece. I still need to trim all the weft ends on the back, block it, and mount it. And I still have the "October" tapestry to mount, as well. So it is a good thing that I have finished early! (I also need to get some decent photos of this tapestry. I am amazed at how different each of the in-progress photos look! I take them in the studio with only natural light, and these grey days have not been very cooperative.)

Wow! I still can't believe I got it done today! Sometimes, I just impress the socks off myself!

I believe some porch time is called for....


Debbie said...

Beautiful, as is October

Anonymous said...

Wed 9/4/2013 8am ...wow!!!...you have impressed my socks off too...ha.....I like that soumak-ey twined off ending at the top...is the blue above that for turning under a hem???......my favorite part of this tapestry is that row of trees on the top of the hill....they look so realistic and I like the un-eveness.....however your tapestry that affects me most is the one of your dog that died...was his name "Booker"?? That rendering makes me weep.....where could I find the original ones of that when you were weaving it or cutting it off???...from Janet on the East Coast

tlandeau said...

BRAVO!! It is just beautiful! I am particularly enchanted by the treeline shadows on the horizon...Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Two tapestries so very well done!! I like both :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! two tapestries so well done!! I like both, but yes, also get drawn to the tree line in this one, it feels like one is rowing the boat. I admire how well you weave the movements on the water.
Best wishes for the finishing work!!

lyn said...

Your water looks amazing, Kathy! Ah, how I envy you... nothing but weaving for two solid weeks. Sounds wonderful.

K Spoering said...

It WAS great, Lyn! In fact I was telling a friend this morning that I am already missing that immersion.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. I hope to get half as good as you some day.

K Spoering said...

Thank you all for your kind comments! Janet, the tapestry of our last dog, Wooster, can be seen here:

Booker is the dog we have now, and he is the one in the "August" tapestry, swimming in this same lake!

The upper ridge is a row of soumack. There is one along the bottom as well. Then the inch above it is indeed a hem that will be turned under. With the soumack there, the hem will turn under more easily, and the ridge of heavier yarn in the soumack will nicely cover any warp that might want to show at the turned edge.

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...