Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Work is not always what you want it to be...

I would love to tell you that I have been hard at work designing, or better yet weaving, the next calendar tapestry. But I have not been.

I have nonetheless been hard at work. I have all eight tapestries prepared to deliver tomorrow for exhibition. I have photographed them all, including details. I have written an article. I have entered a juried exhibit. I have prepared the  image above to hang, framed, near my work. (I'm hoping it will, if not answer questions, maybe generate some.)

But the biggest job I have been doing is to totally renovate the shelving in my studio. Which means I have emptied (or am emptying) all old shelves, and have emptied the shelves which were FULL of books in the basement, and am painting them and moving them up to my studio, to re-fill with the things that I decide to keep. I am being pretty merciless with what I am getting rid of. The car trunk is full of books to go to a second-hand book shop, or to a free library, or to Goodwill. I am tossing old paintings and things I no longer value. I am tossing some things I still somewhat value, but know that nobody else will value, or want to deal with, when I am no longer around.

These are not my favorite things to do. I hate being in a mess; and this is a BIG mess. But my studio will be better for it, and then I will begin on the next calendar tapestry. I can hardly wait!

ps. The vote is still in progress at the Martha Stewart link on the right, through the end of this week. Thanks to each one of you who have bothered to go there and vote. My vote total so far is very respectable, and maybe Ms. Stewart and her creative staff will take note of what tapestry is! Wouldn't that be a Good Thing?

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Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...