Tuesday, September 16, 2014

On Exhibit...

I have pieces on exhibit in both of the above exhibits. If you find yourself in either area, go see the exhibit, and say hello to "October" (in the ATB exhibit) or "Dama con Mangos" (in the Art is the Cloth exhibit.) Or, if you are very lucky, go see both exhibits!

My pieces are both in some VERY good company, in both exhibits, and I feel honored to have work included.

1 comment:

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Congratulations on both exhibits, Kathy! And on completing the April tapestry. I hope to see all of them together someday.

Wish I could see the exhibits, too. I'd hoped to go to the opening in Kent, OH but life intervenes so I won't make it. We're having Joan Baxter for a workshop when the Art of the Cloth opening is occurring so I won't be able to make that one either. Bummer!

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