Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Studio Tuesday....again

I am having my morning cup of coffee, and planning my day, as I do every day. But today is Tuesday, so there is not much to plan! Pull something out of the freezer to thaw for dinner, and then, hit the studio to work! I am loving this commitment to spend at least one full uninterrupted day working in the studio. I began this discipline because very soon my husband will be retired from his work, and I feel the need to make sure I don't think I have retired, as well. (Only today and one more Tuesday, then he will be home, retired.)

I look forward to Studio Tuesday. And I learned very quickly to say no to any other activities or diversions on this day. Also, posting about it here has been a good way to maintain my commitment.

I do confess that, other than my Tuesdays, I have had very little creative time lately. Yesterday, I decided I needed to spend at least a few minutes sketching, so I grabbed a vibrant leaf from the yard and sketched it. I am a leaf-picker-upper from way-back. I love fall and my pockets, bulletin boards, purse, and refrigerator door are always sporting beautiful fallen leaves throughout the too-short season. We have had such a cool, wet summer, that I am not sure how the leaves will respond this year. They are not really turning at all yet.

Today is another cool, rainy, grey day. A perfect day to spend in the studio! The coffee cup is empty. I'll go pour myself another, and will take it with me to the studio. I'll let you know how I progress there......

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Susan said...

What a great idea. I should really try and set aside a day for weaving. My house cleanup from our January water leak is almost done, so now I am getting myself back into doing my creative work and out of house painting and other stuff. Love the leaf drawing.

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