Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The End is Nigh!

You can see the top of my cartoon in the photo above! I have just one more Studio Tuesday, plus maybe a bit of weaving time snuck in here and there before then, and then it will be completed! This is the most 'personal' of the 12 Calendar Series tapestries. It represents my birthday month, April. I love that it is so different from the other tapestries in the series, but, in fact, there is a great deal of variation in the pieces. 

I got quite a bit of work done yesterday, in spite of one of those weather-migraines which I just can't seem to avoid. We've had a stormy summer, and my poor head has suffered almost every rainstorm! Booker has hated the wet, stormy weather, as well. Maybe they make his giant head ache, too. At any rate, he is always ready to curl up on the bed with me, as I stuff my achy head under a pillow for awhile, until the medicine kicks in a bit.

After this piece is complete, I have just 2 more to do to complete the series. I want to show them all together somewhere, so I guess I'd better start looking for a venue! You can see 8 of the tapestries on my website, here.  When this piece is completed, I need to get good images of it and the November tapestry, which is woven, but I have yet to mount.


Trish at Tangled Threads said...

Wow, Kathy, a HUGE amount done. I really like the colours in the piece. Won't be long now and it will be off the loom. It must be exciting to see the end of it pull together.

Mary said...

You are powering along. Can't wait to see it finished.
I have heard that the ions in the air, before a thunderstorm, can bring on headaches. You have my sympathy, headaches can be so debilitating. And frustrating when you are so near the end of the work.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...