Saturday, September 13, 2008

He's coming, he's coming...

...and I'll be there!!!

There are some perks to living in a swing state! This morning I spent almost 4 hours in line to get tickets to see and hear Barack Obama, who will be here in our small metropolis on Monday. Tickets were limited to 2 per person, and would be available at noon today. So, at 8:30 we walked the half dozen blocks to the Obama headquarters and got in a line that was a couple hundred people long. Soon the line went around the corner of the block... then down that block and around another corner... then down that block and around that corner. Before noon, the line completely circled a city block and went clear down another block. There were only to be 1500 tickets given out, and I'm sure at least the last half of the line had to be turned away. We were getting tickets for myself, my friend who is out of town this weekend, and her teen son, who volunteers at the democratic headquarters, but couldn't get tickets there, and one of Craig's partners.

It was actually a fun morning, sitting with like-minded folks and seeing such enthusiasm in a traditionally republican area. Lots of cars drove by and honked their support. I bought buttons and a car magnet and a new hat, which I needed anyway to keep the sun out of my eyes (any excuse for a cool new pink hat!) It was a gorgeous day, cool and clear. All of my neighbors were there, and most of my husband's work partners. A group of happy, perky teens walked up and down the line, handing out handmade 'messages' they had created (they had made hundreds of them!). Here is the one they gave me:

It worked: I stayed positive, and I came home with my tickets!

I can hardly wait for Monday!!!


Carol said...

I am loving that new pink hat...and it looks quite good on you. So wear it often, you know, to guard against the sun also, mighty envious of those four tickets. Enjoy. Stood in a similar line waiting to see Michele Obama in the early spring, but it was worth it
I am also sorry about the paintings. Any chance that they'll show up? I hope Wooster is doing OK. Mine had to make a trip back to the vet as well.

K Spoering said...

Actually, the paintings turned up back at the gallery somehow. So, hopefully, they will get back to me. Wooster is not doing great, but we're seeing if he improves in the next few days. It's hard to see him be so weak. Thanks for asking about him.

Margaret said...

That's awesome! I'm terribly jealous, though. Ah well, we probably won't be seeing Obama in Canada for a while.

I'm so glad to hear that your paintings were found! I was concerned for them ;).

I hope you're having fun at the event!

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...