Friday, September 12, 2008

Illustration Friday Topic: Island

This is a small acrylic 5x7" painting/sketch I did a few years ago when a few artist friends and I went to Whidbey Island for a sketching vacation. It is called "Island Girl," is of one of my friends, and is one of the few acrylic paintings I have done. I discovered fairly quickly that I do not like working in acrylic as it dries too quickly.

The water really was that turquoise color! I have done several paintings from source photos I took on that trip and on a later trip to the same location I took with my husband, including the "Penn Cove" one that UPS is still (hopefully) searching for.

When I saw the IF topic, I pulled out my travel journal from the art trip. Ah, what a delight to relive those joyous days, just looking and looking at water and water-full things! "Oh, to go back to Island Time!," cries out the dried up desert rat!!


KreAsisa said...

hi, I like your painting..I can feel the sea breeze..
I'm not a painter, but if I were I'd use acrylic, because it dries quickly..


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Wow! This is just excellent for island. I love your style very sweet painting. You did a great job on this

Unknown said...

nice work!!! so cool you have a travel journal with art from your trips...nice idea!

Margaret said...

I really love the painting. It definitely looks like Whidbey Island!

I hope that UPS finds your paintings ASAP. I adore "The Youngest Groomsman." Such a lovely painting.

Dori said...

Oh! How lovely! I know right about where you painted that! How fun to click thru to your blog and see my island! I hope your paintings come home soon.

INDIGENE said...

I'm thankful for old sketch books, too! Great painting and wonderful colors. I can feel that wave coming in!

soulbrush said...

man oh man this water is so real!

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