Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh, woe!

It appears that UPS has lost two of my paintings! They were on their way home from an exhibit, and are actually due at another exhibit before the end of the month. They are "The Youngest Groomsman"

and "Penn Cove."

On top of that, our dear doggie Wooster is not doing well at all today. Soon, we may as well just sign all income over to our vet! We are taking Wooster to the dreaded vet this afternoon.

On the up-side, it's grey and rainy here. I love gloomy fall weather; just suits the mood today, too. The cat is having a good day, and it wasn't a tapestry that was lost; so we will survive... hopefully, even Wooster.


Anonymous said...

Friday 9/12/08 7:30am
Get Well soon wishes to Wooster...he is my favorite animal tapestry of all of yours!
from Janet on the East Coast

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Hi Kathy,
So sorry to hear Wooster's ailing and also about the two paintings being mislaid! I hope all will be resolved well very soon.

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