I got up before the sun this morning to go stand in line... again! I
stood in the hot Colorado sun for 5 hours. I am tired; I am sunburned; I am fired up and excited; I am hoarse from cheering; I wish I could vote more than once!!! The people all around me felt the same way. Nothing makes people more excited after economic news like was in today's headlines than to believe there is someone out there who can really make things better. We were all T-shirted, hatted, buttoned, and bannered for a
real change! I loved this woman's shirt...

We listened to our regional public representatives. Then Senator Obama was cheered on to the podium, which I was about 20 feet (max) away from. This man can make you BELIEVE! Wouldn't it be a wonder to have a man in the White House who didn't make you wince when he opens his mouth?

And can he
smile? Oh my yes! Now
THAT is a presidential smile!!

A presidential candidate has not come to western Colorado since Truman came here. We are happy people here in the valley... I truly hope it makes our state swing the right way!
GJ is in the news! In this morning's paper here in Boston, I saw instances in two different stories of "at a rally in Grand Junction, CO, Obama said..."
I know! And I saw the back of my pink hat on the national news last night! My 15 milliseconds of fame!
I am jealous! :D
Hooray for your viewing! I only wish I could have been there. I, too, wish I had more than one vote to cast for this very special man...our next president.
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