Monday, September 22, 2008

Yes, but should it be a tapestry?

As I work in my studio, at the easel rather than at the loom, I have been debating with myself about rather or not the design that is calling me to weave it really 'deserves' to be a tapestry.

I generally have a firm reason for weaving a design. My work also generally tells some part of 'my story' in it. In fact, even if I do not intend it to, I guess it always tells my story. For example, the piece I just finished (which I swear and promise I'll post this week) was one that, like the design I am considering now, did not seems to have any real story or meaning to it, but I think now that it does. I look at it now and it looks just like I felt when I designed and began weaving it.

So, here is what I am considering weaving:

It is a composite of the little oil sketches I have done for the class I'm taking. I would weave them as they are shown here; as four separate sketches together on a white ground. I would weave it to be 18x18", as that is what the warp left on my loom measures, and I am finding that size to be quite appealing, for some reason. I have been thinking of it as "Three Pears and an Apple", but since the last tapestry is called "February" I may just call this one "September." Actually, I like that idea: a bit of a woven journal. If, in February I saw the world as colorless and felt isolated, in September I am filling little canvases (and my tummy, by the way) with colorful local fall fruit.

The design keeps calling me to the loom, though I can't right now say why. I just want to weave those colors; to see if I can create those soft lost edges. Perhaps just because I want to see it woven and to sit at the loom and weave it are enough reasons to create it as a tapestry....?


Pam said...

You said it all in the last paragraph Kathy....I think those soft edges would be both challengeing and delightful to weave...go for it!


Jan said...

Gorgeous fruits! Gorgeous paint!

If you're inspired to weave it, then it should be a tapestry. Not surprising I should say that, as my tapestries come mainly from my paintings.

I think it's really fun to figure out how to translate, and you never know what new tapestry marks will appear. Go for it!

K Spoering said...

Yes, Pam and Jan, that's the challenge: how will this look in the medium of tapestry? And what fun colors to pull off my shelves after weaving something that was monochromatic!

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Beautiful fruit studies, Kathy!
BYW, you might want to take a look at Dianne Mize's blog here--
She does small paintings daily. Her blogs and also her website are full of great inspiration and information about composition and design. I've enjoyed visiting her spots often...and had a critique session about my tapestry work earlier in the year with her, as well.

Sketchbook Selfies

  I completed a sketchbook today, and began a new one. My tradition is to both end and begin a sketchbook with a self portrait. It is my way...