I have the loom warped and the cartoon prepared and the yarns all chosen and pulled from the shelves to weave the above image, which was to represent the month of October in my calendar series. But I have been missing a crucial ingredient to make me begin weaving it: Passion.
Passion is highly under-rated in the creation of art. Especially art which takes a great deal of life-time to create. If there is no passion for the project, there is nothing to pull me to the loom when the sun is shining or the rain is falling, or a friend calls to distract me away to a cup of coffee, or the Sudoku in the newspaper looks do-able. Believe me, I know this for a fact!
Sooooo.... I am, at least for now, abandoning that project. I will be weaving the August tapestry, which will have a sub-title of "The Dog Days of Summer." I will undoubtedly show you more of this project as it is in process. But I think for now, I will leave it to your imagination... and to my passion for it! I love the image, the subject matter, the color, and the content (meaning). I am excited to start it. Isn't that wonderful?
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