Sunday, August 8, 2010


Yesterday was a very busy day at the gallery. I came home exhausted. I also came home determined to proceed with my plan to create prints of sold pieces to sell, as most sales yesterday were of prints.

I didn't have much time to paint, but I always try to at least set up a small painting, as customers seem to like to have someone actually painting there. So I did this little piece, which I'm not sure how to finish. I wanted to see if I could do a figure that was expressive without having a facial expression to rely on. I have seen some great 'headless' figures, so thought I'd give it a try. This is of my grand-daughter. She had this cute outfit on, and she and her brother were putting on a 'concert' for me. I think the outfit and her body language say quite a bit, but I may feel the need to 'finish' this a bit more. It is very sketchy and loosely done, and I have a hard time leaving that 'roughness' be. I'll see how it looks when dry. It is 8x8".

1 comment:

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Hi Kathy... love the stylin' painting.... what a great tapestry design this would be, too!

I've always liked figurative works where the individual is almost obscured because the face is only partly there... yet the gesture of one's body can convey the whole of the personality, it seems. This little painting certainly captures an essence of the joy of life your grand daughter seems to have.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...