Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Spent an afternoon approaching Lavender...

A little (8x10") oil on canvas painting. I am quite in love with lavender, so felt an urge to paint it. This is quite loosely based on a lavender farm on Whidbey Island in Washington. My lavender is needing to be harvested, so it can begin it's second growth. Colorado is beginning to discover how well it grows here, and several lavender farms have 'cropped up' locally. Must make some lavender shortbread. Ummmm!

1 comment:

annmarie said...

I recently returned from a trip to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and visited a lavender farm in Mabou, NS. As I was browsing in the shop, I saw packages of lavender oat cakes and bought some. very, very yummy. I'm going to try to replicate them! :)

your painting is very beautiful, very peaceful.

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