Saturday, August 28, 2010

New toy; uh, I mean new Tool...

I got a new iPhone this week, and have been playing with some camera apps I put on it.

Way too much fun!

Must NOT let this distract me!

I have real WORK to do!

STOP, already!

Oh, look... a cool Solitaire app, a book reader, and a painting app.... I am in sooooo much trouble!


Theresa said...

Congrats on the new tool. Some nifty apps.

Sue Schwarz said...

heh heh, careful, these 'tools' can take over your life.

Sherri Woodard Coffey said...

But can you make a phone call?

Mary Lane said...

Welcome to the world of the distracted. You will never be bored at a red light anymore.

Jan said...

My favorites are Book Worm and Bejeweled, and yes, of course, Solitaire. I also have 4 foreign language dictionaries.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...