As you can see, I did reach my goal again. I won't weave any more this week, but will try to get some painting in. And cleaning. And laundry. And that biggest job category of all right now: ETC.....
Next week's goal (another 3 inches) will take me up to the bottom of the upper two pears, which will be past the half-way mark. All 'up-warp' from there!
Sat 1/17/09 8:47am.........neat, neat,neat.....when you set up this tapestry, was the light source the same direction on each of the 4 squares?.....I like the cast shadow of the bottom pear....from Janet on the 2 degree Atlantic
No, Janet. This tapestry is just 4 separate little oil sketches put together. There is no uniformity of light source, or anything else, except for color, as I used the same palette.
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