Friday, January 2, 2009

Illustration Friday: Resolve

The Illustration Friday topic this week is Resolve. One of the things I have resolved for this new year is to paint more frequently, even if I just paint small everyday type paintings. So, yesterday I started the year off by doing a small (about 6.5x7.5") oil sketch of Gussie. I did it in the quick wipe-out way I do the small oils.

In the spirit of the topic, I would also like to make some resolutions for Gussie:
- I resolve that he will no longer attack all of my scarves and handknits, pulling out threads that shouldn't be pulled out.
- I resolve that he will stop getting on the dog's bed in the night, pushing poor Wooster off and causing a general commotion that wakes us all up.
- I resolve that he will stop stealing balls of my tapestry yarn, making me have to go look for it, and to rewind it back up.
- I resolve that he will only jump up onto areas that are cat-proof, and will quit knocking over Christmas trees and other non-cat 'toys'.

And for myself... I guess I must resolve to become more realistic, and to realize that I cannot change things that will not be changed.


Anonymous said...

lovely painting, although I think Gussie may not quite agree on his resolutions!

Eli said...

Nice work! The green background was a good choice.

Jane said...

If he manages to keep those resolutions, let me know how, have a moggie here that could take note! A beautiful painting

neilornstein said...

and good luck to you, replies the cat

Teri said...

Beautous but I bet you helped him pick out his resoltions. :)

mdsol said...

Oh! You are an artist!!!
About your resolutions...well ...Let's see what Gussie "thinks"!

Carol said...

Fabulous painting! Gussie looks a lot like my kitty. Also, GREAT resolution to paint more; one that I'm resolving to do as well.

L.C. Spoering said...

oh, and you could look at that face with those silly tufts of fur on the tops of his ears and tell him to stop. riiiiiiiiiiight.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Gussie has a cousin, named Oscar that lives at my house! Lol! We've just been awaken by the infamous Oscar! Lovely portrait work! Happy New Year and may we all have a little Gussie in our lives! :)

K Spoering said...

Love the comments of support on my behalf. I have written some resolutions for she-who-thinks she's-the-boss as well.
-I resolve that she will stop wasting her time on other things and will play with me all day, and in the night, too.
-I resolve that she will throw out all dry cat food and start fishing for fresh.
-I resolve that she'll explain to the dog who rules here now.
-I resolve that she'll admit and allow that everything IS a cat toy.
Of course, I understand that she is quite a contrary critter and is no more likely to take on my resolutions for her, than I am to do the ones she's resolved for me.
We'll both just have to put up with each other, I guess.
Sigh, Gussie

pati said...

Wonderful portrait. Gosh! How I miss my kitty!

pati @-;--

soulbrush said...

with your artistic talent, you should paint more and more and more.

Carolina Grönholm said...

Absolutely lovely!

Anonymous said...

This is a fine painting - especially for one you did quickly! I don't know your cat, but you seem to have captured his personality so well:) As for your resolutions for him... well... good luck! He looks like he has a mind of his own!

get zapped said...

What darling illo and cat. I loved your take on this and had to laugh at your final comment. So true!

HaPpy NeW YeaR!

Tomás Serrano said...

Great cat portrait!

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