Monday, January 26, 2009

A bit of Progress...

The mornings have been foggy here lately. They remind me of the photo I took last winter, which I developed into a tapestry maquette. It will probably be the next thing I weave, if I can find where I put it! The above photo was taken yesterday from my sitting room window.

I think I mentioned before that the piece I'm working on now will be called "September." The last one I did was "February," so the foggy one would be called "January." Maybe I will get all the months woven, but I'm not making that promise/commitment to myself just yet. Here is where "September" is, progress-wise, at this point. There are only 7 inches left to weave, but I may not get my 3" woven this week, as we'll have houseguests for several days, and I am cleaning (or taking a short break from cleaning) right now to prepare for that.
Across the room from the loom, I've made some progress on my painting, too. I have the 'first layer' of paint almost covering the warm underpainting, which you can still see in the lower right corner area. I have a lot of reworking to do before this will be done, but it is always good to at least get it blocked out. I may get a few snatches of time to work on it this week. I don't want it to be completely dry before I work on it again.


Anonymous said...

That tapestry is wonderful..I love the bright colours of fall..
I'm currently working on a project with the Moon Rain Centre for Tapestry Arts. I never had much of an interest for tapestry until the past couple of weeks. I'm going to be taking summer workshops at the centre..
Anyways if you have time check it out
It's a wonderful little get away! I'll be checking back in to see more of your work.

K Spoering said...

The work there is lovely, Caitlin. Thanks for telling me about it! And enjoy your workshops...

Tommye McClure Scanlin said...

Just got a chance to catch up with your blog and first thing I saw was your foggy morning photo! Even though you posted that earlier in the week, I could be looking out my window, this morning, and snapping that shot! We've got a beautiful foggy morning here today.
The tapestry is looking just wonderful. Thanks so much for the progress shots.

Diary of a Frustrated Woman

I recently requested and am now reading this book from the library. I totally love the volume they got me! It has a copyright date of 1931, ...